How can we help you?

Aesthetic medicine treatments use different techniques and procedures to help you improve your physical appearance while preserving or even enhancing your health. Thanks to them you can achieve all kinds of objectives, such as recovering the youthful appearance of your skin or face, eliminating stubborn fat in different areas of the body or eliminating any small imperfection you may have at an aesthetic level.

At OUR CLINIC we offer you different solutions focused on treating different problems. We know that each case is different and that is why we advise you on the most appropriate route to take in your case.

Our aesthetic medicine treatments

Nutrition and dietetics

Your well-being and beauty depend on the way you eat. Discover our nutrition interventions and start taking care of yourself in the best possible way.

Velashape III
Tratamientos de estética facial avanzada

Facial esthetics

The face is the first part of the body to be seen, and the one that attracts the most attention. Learn about all our treatments aimed at improving your appearance.

Advanced facial esthetics

We take your appearance enhancement to the next level. Discover all the advanced facial aesthetic treatments offered by our clinic.

Tratamiento Jawline Sculpting en Tarragona
Terapia Neural Clinica Rigo

Body esthetics

Do you want to improve your body shape or eliminate any imperfection? Our body aesthetics treatments help you to do so.

Advanced body esthetics

We go a step further in improving your body shape or eliminating imperfections. Discover how with our advanced body aesthetics treatments.

BodyTite (Alternativa a la liposucción sin cirugía ni cicatrices)
Dutasteride, eficacia contra la alopecia

Capillary unit

We help you to get your hair back to its former glory. Discover all the treatments of our hair unit.

Orthomolecular Medicine

We prevent and treat diseases by helping the body to maintain the biochemical and metabolic balance of micronutrients. Discover the treatments.

Dutasteride, eficacia contra la alopecia


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Rambla President Francesc Macià, 6, local 5, 43005 Tarragona


Monday : 9:00-17:00h
Tuesday : 9:00-17:00h
Wednesday: 9:00- 19:00h
Thursday : 9:00h-17:00h
Friday: 9:00-15:00h
Saturday: Exclusive visits
Sunday: Closed

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